Earning a lot of money online is easier than you might think. You do not even have to have any money to start when you understand the process.

Today I am going to make it as simple as possible for you to make $98,304 from zero. You can skip forward and earn much faster if you are willing to spend $5, but if you do not have those funds at the moment, don’t worry, you can still reach $98,304. Let me explain exactly how it works:

Starting From Zero

For those who wish to start from zero, you should join the site called Ad Rev Split first of all.

Click Here To Join Ad Rev Split

After joining you should click on the PAID LINKS section, and you will see a small list of ads that you will get paid to click on. The list looks like this:

To earn from this section you just need to click on the link to open the ad in a new window. Some ads will have a timer, and you just need to click on the text to start the timer running. When the timer ends you will get a notification that says you have been paid. If the timer is not allowed to finish you will not get paid.

You should complete these ad clicks EVERY DAY. As long as you keep doing that then you WILL reach $5 and you can move forward to the high level earning site. Earning on Ad Rev Split will be a little slow at first, however you can easily speed this up.

How To Speed Up Your Earning

AS WELL AS completing the daily ad clicks, you should start to work on building your downline. I will teach you EXACTLY how to do this in my next blog post.

Building your downline on Ad Rev Split will pay you a LOT of money, as long as everyone takes the time to do the ad clicks (less than 5 mins a day). As you can see in the screenshot below I have already earned almost $300 by doing this, and I just keep making money every day. This is because of the 4 Level downline system.

This is the easiest passive income system online, and I am aiming to reach AT LEAST $1000 from building this site.

Everyone can do this, because everyone can click ads for 5 mins a day.

How To Earn $98,304 ($5 is required)

As I explained earlier, you can skip forward to using the high level income program that pays $98,304 with just $5. You can easily earn $5 first by using Ad Rev Split if you want to do that. Either way, you just need to have $5 ready to start.

When you have the $5 available, you need to join the site called Crypto Team Build using the link INSIDE Ad Rev Split.

Click Here To Join Ad Rev Split

After joining Ad Rev Split, click on the DOWNLINE BUILDER tab and you will see Crypto Team Build is the first program on the list. Join using the button provided there, and MAKE SURE you add your username to the downline builder box and save it. (The save button is at the bottom of the page).

After doing that, click here to log in to your account on Crypto Team Build. You will then purchase your first position on this site for $3.

How To Purchase Your Position for $3

To purchase your $3 position on Crypto Team Build you will need to have at least $5 worth of cryptocurrency as the minimum deposit is $5. You may like to add $6 instead so you can purchase at least 2 positions – this will make it easier to build to the high levels. I will explain more about this later in the post.

Personally I use Coinbase to purchase and send cryptocurrency, and that account will even give you some for free when you complete some learning on site. If you can’t use Coinbase, you might like to register with Faucet Pay which I think works worldwide. You can get free rewards on there as well just for logging in each day.

Inside Crypto Team Build click on the PURCHASE POSITIONS tab and you will see the form:

Choose the position and the payment mode you wish to use with the dropdown menus. Click the red purchase button. You will be given the option to purchase using several cryptocurrencies as shown below. I recommend you use Litecoin (LTC) to keep the fees to a minimum.

When you choose the coin you wish to pay with, you will be provided with the address and amount to send. For example:

To send the payment as indicated, simply log in to your crypto wallet, make sure you choose the same coin, click on send and enter the details from the payment screen as shown above.

How To Send Funds Using Coinbase

When you log in to Coinbase, click on the assets option which is the little pie chart symbol directly under the home symbol. Check you have enough funds to send the payment, and if you do not you will need to purchase some crypto first.

Choose the matching coin from the list and click the 3 dots at the end to bring up the options list. Here you can buy, sell, swap, send or receive that specific coin.

To send the funds to Crypto Team Build, click on the send button and this will open the form for you (as shown below) to complete with the amount and the send to address.

Copy the details from the payment screen inside Crypto Team Build into this form.

(Click the double arrow option to toggle between USD and the chosen coin)

Check you have added the correct wallet address in the To section.

Click the continue button.

You are likely to have to enter a verification code sent to your email address or mobile phone to confirm you wish to make the payment. When that code has been entered, the payment will be sent to Crypto Team Build, and your postion will be added to your account.

The sending procedure will be very similar with other crypto wallets. Just make sure you choose the same coin as you picked in the payment options or your funds will get lost.

Moving Up The Earning Levels on Crypto Team Build

To earn the $98,304 that is available on Crypto Team Build you need to move up the earning levels. As you can see in the earning plan info below there are 15 different levels, with each level providing a different earning amount.

You need to get THREE paid referrals to move from 1 level to the next. This will allow you to complete a cycle on your current level, will pay you the commission as shown for that level, and you can use it to purchase your way up the levels.

Note that the same 3 referrals will follow you up the earning levels. This is what will push you forward up the levels of the plan. If you get more than 3 paid referrals you can earn $98,304 FOR EACH THREE PAID REFERRALS GAINED.

For this to happen you MUST purchase another level 1 position for each group of 3 paid referrals. This is why it is a good idea to start your account with $6 and to purchase 2 level 1 positions initally. If you do not do this and you get more than 3 paid referrals you will loose out on the commission from them. That is a lot of money to miss out on, so make sure you purchase a second $3 position as soon as you can (you can use earned funds from your first paid referral to do that).

How To Get Paid Referrals For Crypto Team Build

In my next blog post I will share with you the EXACT system that I have used to get 106 referrals for Crypto Team Build so far.

I have already turned my $3 purchase into $66 and have cycled multiple times on Level 1. I have purchased my way up to Level 3 so far, and I will soon be moving up the levels again and again.

My account screenshots are below:

I will provide more updates on my own progress with this earning plan over the next few weeks and months. I will also add a new blog post tomorrow explaining how exactly to get a steady flow of paid referrals for Crypto Team Build

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